Testimonial 02


I am so glad that I decided to go and see Caroline. She has built my confidence up after feeling put upon most of my life. I was becoming more and more isolated and really struggled with any conversation with anyone outside my close family.

I was even contemplating leaving my job. After learning new techniques and working hard on the work Caroline gave me, I started to to feel my confidence grow.

Caroline is a lovely, caring, motivated and down to earth lady that I would highly recommend.

Now I allow myself to feel the fear and do it anyway!

Testimonial 03

Estelle Halfpenny

I can’t thank Caroline enough for guiding and helping me through one of the most difficult times in my life.

I feel like a new person with a new perspective on life. Cant speak highly enough of Caroline, such a wonderful, supportive and caring person who has changed my mind set to make the most out of my life.

Testimonial 04


Through sessions with Caroline she has given me ( and continues to) the tools to find answers. She has helped me look at the world glass full.
Caroline helped structure my thought process and with her support draw up a plan of action.

I thoroughly enjoyed each session as I felt that I could say and talk through anything and everything.
I highly recommend her as I have learned so much about myself.

Testimonial 05


I was very impressed with Caroline's tenacity and wanting me to aspire to be the best that I can be in my professional field and private life.

She has the ability to understand complex issues and speaks open and honestly.  Caroline helped me to understand myself and how my thought process can work for me. I really enjoyed our sessions.

Testimonial 06


I started seeing/ having sessions with Caroline as I was unhappy and worried about the amount of alcohol I was consuming after my first child.

This is something that I have struggled with off and on for sometime.Caroline used various strategies and encouraged me to evaluate the reasons behind my drinking.

We worked closely together to set achievable goals for me to gradually decrease the amount that I drank. I didn't want to eradicate alcohol from my life completely. I found the whole process extremely helpful and very interesting.

The sessions were invaluable and helped me to get out of the rut that I was in.I would recommend wholeheartedly recommend Caroline as a coach to anyone that needs help/guidance.

Testimonial 07

Anne Lewis

Struggling with needing a new direction in life I found Caroline on social media.
After the initial consultation I realised that Caroline could be the person to help .

After my sessions had come to an end, I had a completely new outlook on life and the way I saw things. I was taught coping mechanisms to continue my journey going forward.

I can't thank Caroline enough for her help and support through some of my darkest days and helping me change my outlook on life. I continue to use the tools I learned and also contact Caroline if I need a nudge in the right direction.

Testimonial 08


I went to see Caroline because I knew I needed something different from normal counselling. I had become disillusioned with my career which was affecting my relationships with people and my everyday well being.

Caroline's approach is friendly, enthusiastic and professional. She is very knowledgeable and really challenged my thinking. Her positive outlook is infectious and I was motivated to work hard on myself and put her ideas into practice.

I am a couple of years down the line now and I am still using techniques she taught me to see the world in a more positive way than I used to.

Caroline is very generous with her time, and was available outside appointments if I wanted to ask her a quick question. I am really impressed by how dedicated she is and how passionate she is about helping people to develop. I would recommend Caroline's services to anyone who is looking to make positive changes to their life.

Testimonial 12


"Caroline, thank you so much for offering such a supportive and positive service to our employees at Morganite.I especially valued the time we spent working together in order to provide meaningful coaching for the team and individual employees.  The progress has been genuinely visible.  This was as a result of the rapport and trust you built with the individuals.  I look forward to working with you again soon.''

Testimonial 09


“Working with Caroline has been a truly fantastic experience and has elevated my overall mental and physical side to my sport, her approach is second to none and I would highly recommend her to any future clients.”

Testimonial 11


“I met Caroline at a Charity event and just got talking. Within a few minutes it was clear how easy and relieving it was speaking to her. Then I found out what she did! I'd never been one to seek 'help' or 'guidance' from a professional before but I did with Caroline. It was everything I thought it wouldn't be.

It was easy, relieving and proved to be the catalyst in getting myself back on track and gave me a clear focus and plan that I could confidently execute

Testimonial 13


“Still wonder how I ever would have moved on with my life, if not for you, won't ever forget how you helped me.
Makes everything worthwhile"

Testimonial 10

Louise S

3 years ago I was feeling stuck, I longed to make changes to my professional and personal life  Lacking the courage and the conviction to tackle the issues involved head on, I knew I’d need some guidance.  That’s when I gave Caroline a call and what a great choice that proved to be !

Working with Caroline quickly helped me realise and focus on the steps I needed to make in order to create those changes. She has a perceptive and practical approach that is infused with her infectious humour, genuine care and interest. I always looked forward to our sessions; it was often like chatting with a supportive friend and I always came away feeling motivated and positive! She helped to smooth out any bumpy bits along the way and helped so effectively to boost my self-belief.

I would recommend Caroline as a fantastic coach and mentor to anyone who wants to get real about achieving their desired goals !

Testimonial 14


"I won't ever forget how much you helped me when I got divorced. Without you, I don't know how my life would have turned out, so thank you Caroline Davies, life is wonderful now"

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